I Must Be Adopted

I am truly hopeful that I am adopted, and thus not as messed up as the rest of my family.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Here Cometh the Repo Man

As promised...

Monday morning, I get a call from my brother...

"If Laura calls asking to borrow some money, tell her no."
"OK. Why?"
"Chet's truck is about to be repoed, unless he can come up with $1,350."

Turns out he's 3 months behind in payments, and having ignored the first two letters sent to him by his finance place, he now faces repo.

The best part is that we (Jeff and I) don't think Laura knows he's about to have his truck repoed. Chet asked my brother to read the letter from his finance company.

I haven't explained yet that my brother has worked in one form or another in the collections industry for years. Basically, you do NOT want to hear my brother's voice on the other end of a phone call. It won't be good news. Knowing this, he knows the in's and out's of the business and is pretty good at reading between the lines on letters sent from financial institutions.

As another little tid-bit to the story, Chet purchased, or more precisely, is in the process of purchasing a high-def, big-screen TV from one of those rent-to-own places. It's a very nice TV. BUT, if you don't have the money to pay for something that you already have (truck), and that something is somewhat important to you, what are you doing going out and purchasing a big-screen, high-def TV for?

Again, please explain the logic to me. Please.

P.S. as of Wednesday night, no call from my sister, and Chet still has the truck. I'll keep you posted.


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