I Must Be Adopted

I am truly hopeful that I am adopted, and thus not as messed up as the rest of my family.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Goodbye from America...

This will be my last post from America, and as a single man. The pending Neptuials occur on Saturday, and then we wisk ourselves away to a romantic honeymoon in the South Pacific.

My next posting will hopefully be from Fiji (the resort has Internet access).

Stay tuned as I hope to post somethings from the honeymoon, including pictures... Plus, since we cross the international dateline and will be a day ahead of you here in the US, we'll know if the world ends (see all the news articles on North Korea) before you guys. If it does look like it will end, I will post a warning... :-)

So, goodbye for now... and as a tribute to Fiji, here are the multiple ways to say goodbye in Fijian:

Au sa liu mada
Moce mada
Sa moce
Ia, moce [reply to above]
Loloma yani
Au se lako mada [said by person leaving]
Au se gole mada [said by person leaving]
Au sa tatau meu sa lako [said by person leaving - polite]
Au sa tatau meu sa lesu tale [said by person leaving - polite]
Vinaka [reply]
Io vinaka sa vinaka [reply]
Vinaka vakalevu [reply]


Blogger Chuck said...

Congratulations and Good Luck.



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