I Must Be Adopted

I am truly hopeful that I am adopted, and thus not as messed up as the rest of my family.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Wife's Car

Quick update....

The 2nd car dealership was able to identify the problem with the wife's car within one day. They affected a temporary fix, and have the necessary replacement part on order. It should be in sometime this week. They'll call when it's in, and arrange an appointment.

So far, I would have to say that the temp fix is working... Turns out there was a heat sheild loose on an exhaust pipe. Not sure what the temp fix was, but don't care... as long as it doesn't squeak.

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Blogger Chuck said...

My guess: Either duct tape or JB Weld or a coat hanger.

Blogger Todd said...

Those are all the things I've used personally. Nothing works like a coat hanger though!


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