I Must Be Adopted

I am truly hopeful that I am adopted, and thus not as messed up as the rest of my family.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Well, it's done...

Here I sit, eagerly awaiting the coming of midnight.

You see, tonight was the final class of my MBA career. We gave our presentation (first), handed in our paper, and sat and watched the others give their presentations.

After everyone finished, we entered our final decisions into the on-line business strategy game we are playing as a class (www.glo-bus.com). The program will render it's verdict and spit our our final grade for the game shortly after midnight. This grade accounts for 30% of our final grade for the class.

The presentation and paper from tonight account for 40% of our grade. All told 70% of my grade is an unknown. HOWEVER, the professor spoke to one of my group members after class this evening and told him that our project/presentation was outstanding. By far the best of the class, and perhaps one of the better ones he's ever seen. He liked our presentation and topic so much that he started to read our paper while the other groups were presenting.... said he couldn't help it.

BTW, our topic was ways in which Comcast could innovate their current business model and increase revenues/profits/customer satisfaction. I have to admit, I'm pretty pleased with our ideas.

He told the class that he would read/grade all the papers starting immediately after class (with ours first, since we went first.) Whenever the final grades from the game are made available, he would immediately post all grades he has up to that point.

So... I'm thinking that he'll have the grades for myself and my group members posted shortly after midnight... so I wait...

Not really sure why. I've run the numbers, and am pretty confident that I'm getting a 3.5 which means I graduate with a 3.91 GPA. Getting a 4.0 in the class is almost impossible based on the grades I already have (not bad, but not 4.0 material), and the score we have in the game now. The game spits out our running scores after each decision is computed against the rest of the industry (other groups in the class).

A 3.0 means we totally bombed the paper/presentation, but based on the prof's unsolicited comments, we didn't bomb... so a 3.5 it looks to be.

So... Here I sit, eagerly awaiting the coming of midnight.


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