I Must Be Adopted

I am truly hopeful that I am adopted, and thus not as messed up as the rest of my family.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Help explain this phenomenon to me

So reading this article about gas rationing in Iran (ain't karma a bitch), I'm really confused about something.

The citizens are upset about fuel rationing -- I get this.

What I don't understand is why do people in these situation seem to feel it necessary to riot and destroy either their own neighborhoods (as demonstrated many times in both the US and Europe) or destroy the item they are upset about being taken away.

If you are experiencing the rationing of a commodity, such as gasoline in this instance, why would you then riot and destroy gas stations?!?!?

Not that I advocate rioting or destroying any property, but direct your anger toward something that makes sense -- government buildings for instance. AGAIN, I do not advocate this, but at least I could begin to understand.



Blogger Brett said...

It's kind of like a day of silence by online radio stations because they fear being silenced.

Blogger Rich B said...

YES! Why?

Wouldn't you think they would do the opposite and make sure they were up for 24 hours on a certain day (I know there are some stations that are morning or evening only, as the person running the station has a "day" job.)


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