I Must Be Adopted

I am truly hopeful that I am adopted, and thus not as messed up as the rest of my family.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

The Great York Fair

The Fair

York Fair in Haiku
Country's first and oldest fair
Big county event

Food we ate

Milkshakes funnel cakes
Sausage, cheesesteak, and french fries
Gave us bloated gut

Food we didn't

Deep fry everything
Then place it on a sharp stick
Oh, how disgusting


Rabbits full of hare
Pigeons, pigs, cattle there too
Goats were butting heads

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Joy in Mudville

Last evening the wife and I took her sister to her annual birthday Baltimore Oriole baseball game. While the wife and I are not baseball fans by any stretch of imagination, Erin most definitely is, and since birthdays are about the people who have them, we saddle up in the family truckster every year, and head out to a game.

We have our traditions. Every year, we each get a barbeque platter from Boog Powell's barbeque stand (I have no idea what kind of first baseman the man was, but he sure makes some good barbeque), drinks, and head to our seats -- pretzels, and other snacks come later.

Typically, Ernest Lawrence Thayer gets it right with respect to the outcome of the game for a true Orioles fan; but last night this was not the case. The Orioles went up against the best team in baseball (numbers don't lie), and won 11-5.

Most impressively there was a guy named Scott Moore. According to the announcers and the JumboTron, Mr. Moore was 0-8 batting while with the Birds this year. Last night -- Grand Slam in the 3rd; not a bad 9th at bat.

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